My sweet little boy and I went for a walk this afternoon. It was one of those days where memories were made that will last me the rest of my life! The snow was just beginning to melt with the 50 degree “heat wave” we had rush across Michigan. We were wearing out snow pants and boots as we slogged through the slushy snow. We went on a hike to a river near by just so that we could watch the ice flow and throw rocks into the still frigid water. In the middle of one of his throws, my three year old turns to me and says, “I just love springtime.” Yes baby… I do too!
It may still be February and very much winter here in Michigan, but we are already dreaming of springtime/summer. I will gladly take the mosquitos and other pesky insects just to feel the warmth of that sunshine again!
As a family, we love to hike and camp. and this year we will be protected agains those pesky bugs with the BugBand! The skin is your largest organ, so when it comes to insect repellent, I detest putting stuff directly on our skin… especially the sensitive skin of my children. With the BugBand, you can keep the bugs away without harmful chemicals touching your skin! “The vapors from the plastic BugBand wristband form a protective shield around the immediate area, keeping insects a safe distance away.” Made from the naturally derived Geraniol, the BugBand is safe and DEET free!
The plastic bands are easy to attach to your wrist, belt loop, backpack strap… you name it! As a mom, I especially like that it has a breakaway strap for safety if by some chance it were to become entangled around something. When properly stored and cared for, the wristband will keep working for up to 120 hours! No reapplying needed – big plus!
The Portable Diffuser that BugBand offers will be a great addition to our campsite this year as well! Running on 3AA batteries, this handy diffuser will last up to 120 hours like the wrist bands and offer you protection in a 300 square foot area. Perfect for on the campsite picnic table!
So if you are going to be enjoying the great outdoors this upcoming spring/summer, I would suggest arming yourself with the BugBand!