“I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Pure Leaf. I received product samples to facilitate my review and a promotional item as a thank you for participating.”

Here are the best parts about the tea, in my opinion :
These two items I am very sensitive about, and notice almost immediately. There is nothing worse than craving a big ‘ol glass of good iced tea, only to be completely devastated to get some watered down with yucky stuff tea. I’m proud to report, of all the types of tea I have recently tried from Pure Leaf, not one has been a disappointment.
They recently introduced two new flavors to the market that are lower sugar again, bonus!
- Not Too Sweet Pure Leaf :: Peach Tea
- Not Too Sweet Pure Leaf :: Honey Green Tea
Made from all-natural ingredients and no preservatives, Pure Leaf’s fresh brewed taste makes for an easy and enjoyable addition to any summer drink.
Last, Pure Leaf has partnered with Ted Allen of Chopped to offer up some delicious meal pairings as well as some great Summer Entertaining Tips! Enjoy!
On summertime refreshments:
Summertime is party time, and nothing says celebration like cocktails—and mocktails! A splash of vodka (or not) in Pure Leaf Sweet Tea, along with some fresh cherries, an ounce of elderflower liqueur, and some fresh mint—or, if you’re adventuresome, fresh basil—makes for a great, refreshing, showy treat!
On Pure Leaf Not Too Sweet flavors:
The clean, crisp refreshment of Pure Leaf Not Too Sweet is perfect for lightly seasoned, light fare like salads, shrimp, and other delicate foods—compliments them without overwhelming them.
On hosting a barbecue:
When you’re barbecuing, make it easier on yourself by prepping ahead with side dishes that don’t need to be heated: Bean salads, pasta salads, even a panzanella bread salad are easy to make ahead, and that frees you up to be the Grill Master.
Idea for Labor Day party:
It’s your last chance of the summer to wear white—so throw a White Party! Serve white beans, white asparagus, white Belgian beer, and be sure to tuck a napkin into your collar before eating.
On pairing with tea (a tip he’s sharing at a special pairings seminar at the Food & Wine Classic in Aspen):
The delicate, refreshing flavor of tea pairs beautifully with almost any food. Think of its abilities to clean your palate of rich, sweet flavors, and to compliment more delicate ones. Offer a range of teas—sweet, unsweetened, not-too-sweet, peach—to give your guests choices, then serve with interesting garnishes (cherries, kiwi, blood orange, Meyer lemon, and a selection of herbs).
On dinner parties:
Nobody wants to hear themselves chewing at a dinner party, so don’t let “dead air” happen at yours! For a fun ambience, the music must never stop. Develop a playlist of elegant background music—no surprises like heavy metal or John Philip Sousa. My go-to is Chet Baker.
POMEGRANATE MAR-TEA-NI – {a.k.a deliousiousness in a glass!!}
1 serving
Prep Time: 5 minutes
2 ounces of Pure Leaf™ Lemon Iced Tea
2 ounces pomegranate juice
In shaker filled with ice, add all ingredients. Shake well, then strain into chilled martini glass. Garnish, if desired, with lemon peel.
Serving suggestion: Moisten rim of chilled martini glass with lemon wedge, then coat with colored sugar.
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