I have come to the conclusion it doesn’t really matter what time of year it is, we are weekly packing up lunches, snacks, produce, leftovers for ourselves! While in the fall and winter there are daily school snacks and lunches, in the spring and summer we can add in packing up for park and beach trips, and visits to the farmer’s markets!

I have only recently realized how many of those little plastic baggies I have been going through now that I have kids that are of “traveling age”. I’m not just on the go nursing a baby anymore. We are on the go with sippies, bananas, napkins, tissues, and on an on! A few months ago I decided I had made my last trip to Costco for plastic baggies in bulk. I hate the waste. And I’m doing something about it!

I found
Neat-Os while browsing around for alternatives one day, and I am more than pleased! Super simple design (I *crave* simple!) and very functional. One single zipper closure. My 2 year old can work the zipper which makes for pleasing her independence. I love that the seams are on the outside so food doesn’t get stuck in little creases in the inside.

The material is certified food safe polyethylene-coated canvas cloth created for chefs, and is BPA-free, PVC-free, phthalate-free. *AND* it cleans up easy! Dishwasher and washing machine safe, and an easy wipe down when needed.

Neat-os offers their bags in orange or green seams and in a great variety of bundles to get different sizes. Everything from snack bag size to gallon and produce sized bags – they have you covered! And everything from the design and materials, to the manufacturing and distribution is all housed right here in the USA! Hop on and get stocked up for the rest of the school year and your busy summer!
neat-os combo pack :: $32.00
connect with neat-os ::
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the real food hippie :: renee is married to her superman and mama to her 3 busy bees. she loves soaking up the sun, real butter, and julia child. her passion is helping people take baby steps to raise a real food generation in this world of highly processed food – one with healed guts, functioning minds, and solid health. she also blogs at Raising Generation Nourished.
Find more of Renee on twitter pinterest and Google+.
Kimmie M.
April 10, 2014 at 12:25 amDue to trying to be more “green” I love this idea. It sure beats using sandwich bags or the like and throwing them away. Love that they are dishwasher safe just wish I had a dishwasher. Great invention.
Keara B.
April 8, 2014 at 1:07 pmI love my reusable snack bags but I’ve never seen any with a window- these are awesome! Going on my must-have list.
Sara Zielinski
April 8, 2014 at 12:39 pmLove how you can see through the bags
alicia k (Petite Pilates Pixie)
April 8, 2014 at 8:25 amgreat idea! i like how you can see through the bags
Susan McNeill
April 8, 2014 at 8:21 amI love this idea!
Sandra VanHoey
April 8, 2014 at 7:55 amLike these and a plus they are dishwasher safe and I too love the seas being on the outside. They really thought ahead so we didn’t get food caught in the seams