I am the first one to admit, I’m not much of an expert “chocolatier”.
BUT I do love chocolate and I love to celebrate Valentine’s Day just as much as anyone else!
I have little ones that want to join in on festivities now, and I just can’t see allowing the high fructose corn syrup and GMO laden candy into our house, and into their little growing bodies. Especially when candy can be made with real ingredients and still taste really yummy!
Now let’s get ready for those sweet little sweet tooth babes we’ll have in the next couple weeks! Here are a few recipes I have tried and/or will be trying! Enjoy!
SIMPLE COCONUT OIL CHOCOLATE CANDIES: By Beyond the Peel. This is my go-to for chocolate candy. It is super satisfying and you can make them into whatever shape mold you can find – hearts for V-day, bunnies for Easter, etc!DECANDENT CHOCOLATE TRUFFLES : 3 WAYS: By Cooking Traditional Food. My mouth is watering reading this recipe – they sound like they would just melt in your mouth!
HONEY TOOTSIE ROLLS: By The Nerdy Farm Wife. I did this for the first time this past Halloween as my girls’ “trade in” for their trick or treat candy. SO good! Tastes just like the real thing!
ALMOST REESE’S CANDY: By Whole New Mom. These look SO good! I would definitely say Reese’s would be one of my weaknesses!
NO BAKE PEANUT BUTTER FUDGE: By Good Girl Gone Green. This is super delicious and rich! I did a half recipe for our small family and everyone just loved it.
And to be very honest with you…my littles are so “little” yet that they don’t really know the difference between a piece of candy and a piece of sweet fruit. I did THIS IDEA last year with some pieces of apple and cheese and they thought that was super special 🙂 They are so sweet and innocent – I know I won’t get away with that forever but until I can’t, we will make our fruit into hearts and call it good 😉
Hope you all enjoy your Valentines! Let me know if you try any of the recipes above! I would love to hear how they turn out!
This post was shared at Real Food Forager’s Fat Tuesday and The Polivka Family’s Family Table Tuesday!