3 In big kids/ toys & games

reliving my childhood with some classic toys

disclaimer no giveaway

lincolnlogfeatureWhen I think back about my childhood, I vividly remember playing some things that just aren’t around anymore. Cops and robbers? Yep, my brother and I would play that all the time. My kids would have no idea what they were supposed to do if I told them to play “cops and robbers”! Atari? Social ranking in our house had to do with who could get to the highest level in QBert! Yep, there are definitely some classics that just aren’t around anymore.

But one classic toy that I just rediscovered is Lincoln Logs. Like the real, solid wood Lincoln Logs from my childhood! I remember playing with these at my grandma’s house and loving them! And now I have a set that my own kids can play with!

I’ve shared my love of K’Nex before with you. Most K’Nex sets pair building with moving parts to create more high tech designs.  But K’Nex also has some classic toys like Lincoln Logs.  Lincoln Logs have been around for 100 years!  Very few toys have been able to stand the test of time like Lincoln Logs.  With their solid wood construction, Lincoln Logs are built to last.  And with their facilitation of using imagination and fine motor skills, they are a toy you can be excited to share with your kids!
We have this small Forge Mill Cabin set.  The set comes with detailed instructions to make it just as the picture shows.  But Lincoln Logs lend themselves to creativity, so my four-year-old, who can’t quite make the cabin without my help, might decide to make the highest stack he can.  Or sort the logs into similar piles. Or use the straight lines to try to make letters.  And that’s great!  We can play together but he can still use the Lincoln Logs to play in his own way.
Do you have any memories of classic toys from your childhood?

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  • Karen Glatt
    October 15, 2016 at 11:15 am

    I loved playing with Lincoln Logs when I was a kid! And I had a record player that 45 records and loved listening to music. And I loved my Magic Bake oven.

    • Gina
      October 16, 2016 at 9:37 pm

      Yes! I LOVED record players. Kind of sad to think of some of the things our kids will never know. Glad they can still play with Lincoln Logs!

  • Janet W.
    October 14, 2016 at 8:55 am

    I definitely remember Lincoln Logs. I had them in my classroom years ago and my 3rd graders loved them. I bet my grandsons would like to build with these, too!