In music & movies

rockabye baby! :: lullaby renditions of madonna

rockabyelogoIt’s no secret that I’m a fan of the great lullaby albums from Rockabye Baby!  You can see my other reviews for some of their albums here and here.  With that being said I’m excited to tell you that it’s time to strike a pose because, you guessed it, the newest album from Rockabye Baby!, Lullaby Renditions of Madonna, is available!

webdonnaIf you’ve ever been a Madonna fan, or a fan of any of her songs, I challenge you to read this album description without having the lyrics for at least one of the alluded to songs run through your head…

Are you wishing on a lucky star that your little one would get into the sleep groove? Say goodbye to wakeful nights with these lullaby renditions of the Material Girl’s hits.  These gentle melodies will have your ray of light traveling to dreamland, leaving you with a quiet holiday.

Now try listening to the actual lullaby renditions of her songs and it becomes an even bigger challenge (in a good way of course). By the way, you can listen to samples of each song’s lullaby rendition on the album page here.

9682_300dpiIf all the great lullaby rendition albums offered by Rockabye Baby! is too overwhelming for you to choose from wait until Sept. 6 when they will have a limited edition 2 CD set releasing in celebration of their 5 year birthday!  The album is titled Good Day, Goodnight: The 5-Year Anniversary Compilation and the two separate disks are themed for day or night-time rocking… in a completely soothing manner of course.

Lullaby Renditions of Madonna :: $16.98
Good Day, Goodnight: The 5-Year Anniversary Compilation :: $24.98

*I received product to facilitate this review and promotion. The opinions expressed are my own.*

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