1 In craft time/ DIY/ get crafty/ paper goods

scratch off satisfaction; better odds than the lottery

You know the satisfaction you get when scratching off a lottery ticket/coupon/prize ticket? I’m not sure what is so great about it but I love scratching off the coating to see what’s underneath. That’s one reason I have so much fun with Scratch and Create.
Scratch and Create is the same idea as a scratch off ticket, but it’s a whole page full of colorful illustrations hiding underneath the coating. Each book comes with a stylus designed for scratching. Follow the patterns on the pages and reveal designs, quotes, animals, and flowers.  I shared some Scratch and Create books here and my kids and I had a blast scratching off patterns and sending postcards to friends so they can scratch them off, too!
Now we have Scratch and Draw Patterns. I love that each page uses different colors and shapes.  Scratching off simple lines unearths geometric patterns, spirals and paisley prints.  I’m not the most naturally artistic person.  So having patterns to follow with colors already printed makes the scratch and create so relaxing.  I can join in with my kids and we can all pick our favorite patterns and scratch away.  Each book comes with one stylus, but we’ve also used popsicle sticks as scratching tools and they work great as well.

Do you do anything artistic to relax? Give Scratch and Create a try!

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  • Heather!
    February 20, 2018 at 12:06 pm

    How cool! I will definitely keep an eye out for those. Fun!