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seven reasons to start eating dark chocolate

Many people think of chocolate as a guilty pleasure, but the cacao plant is rich in minerals and antioxidants. Unfortunately, milk chocolate has low levels of cacao because of the added cocoa butter, milk and sugar. Dark chocolate, however, has high levels of cacao that bring many health benefits, including the following.

dark chocolate

Reduces Stroke RiskĀ 

Two of the major risk factors for developing heart disease are high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Dark chocolate contains flavonols and the compounds polyphenol and theobromine. Flavanols can help widen blood vessels, which increases blood flow. Increased blood flow means lower blood pressure. Polyphenol and theobromine may lower LDL (“bad”) cholesterol and increase HDL (“good”) cholesterol.

Boosts Brain Function

Studies have shown that eating dark chocolate improves mood and enhances memory. Memory supplements that work are made with cacao. The flavanols in dark chocolate accumulate in the areas of the brain that are responsible for memory and learning. There are also studies that suggest that dark chocolate increases neuroplasticity in the brain. Neuroplasticity helps the brain respond to injury and disease.

May Help Prevent Cancer

Free radicals cause damage in cells that can lead to certain types of cancers and other diseases. Antioxidants help protect the cells from that damage. Some studies have found that people who eat dark chocolate develop fewer cancers than those who do not. More research in this area is needed, but these early results are promising.

Helps Prevent Diabetes

It may seem counter-intuitive, but dark chocolate may help in the prevention of diabetes. Scientists think that oxidative stress is the primary cause of insulin resistance. Insulin resistance increases blood glucose (sugar) levels, which is paramount in the development of type 2 diabetes. The flavanols in dark chocolate have been shown to reduce oxidative stress and fasting blood glucose levels, thus lowering the risk of diabetes.

Helps with Weight Loss

This is another one that may hard to believe, but consuming dark chocolate may actually help you lose weight. It helps with appetite suppression and triggers the hormone that lets you know when you are full. There are also studies that show that dark chocolate acts like a prebiotic, increasing the growth of healthy bacteria that helps your body absorb nutrients.

Benefits the Skin

Dark chocolate is full of vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to the skin, including magnesium, copper and calcium. Magnesium helps in the creation of collagen, a protein that keeps the skin looking young and healthy. Copper helps wounds to heal, reduces lines and wrinkles and aids in curing athlete’s foot. Calcium helps regulate how quickly the body generates new skin cells and sheds the old ones.

Regulates Immune System

Inflammation is part of the normal immune function in the body. However, too much inflammation can cause damage. The phenolic compounds in dark chocolate can ease inflammation and strengthen the body’s immune system. This can help prevent ailments that range from the common cold to arthritis.

With so many potential benefits, there is no excuse for not eating chocolate every day.



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