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shut-eye solutions to getting a good night’s rest

If you find yourself staring at the ceiling, tossing and turning in bed, or counting sheep every night, a sleep disorder could be interrupting your slumber. Common disorders that may require sleep support include insomnia, narcolepsy, or stress-related conditions such as depression and anxiety.

The problem is that a sleep disorder can do more than make you sleepy during the daytime. In some cases, it can lead to serious mental and physical health issues. You could see a serious decline in memory or energy. It could also cause you to gain weight.
There are times when difficulty falling asleep is linked to some of your lifestyle habits. Perhaps you travel a lot or have had recent interruptions with your normal routine. Whatever the cause, it is important to know why your body is being deprived of a very important function.

Generally, a sleep disorder is something that occurs often and impacts your ability to get a good night’s rest. It is more to it than simply closing your eyes for a few hours. Occasional difficulties are normal. But, experiencing these problems on a regular basis is not good. Not only are you not falling asleep, but you also wake up feeling exhausted when you do manage to sleep.

Frequent trouble is frustrating and debilitating to your waking hours. Sleeping badly causes a miserable start to your day. Any energy you can muster throughout the day drains quickly. Feeling exhausted, you still cannot go to sleep, which just continues the cycle. Your mood suffers and leaves you unable to work efficiently.

Reasons You Might Have Trouble Sleeping

There could be several reasons you have a hard time falling asleep such as:

  • Not going to bed and waking up at the same time every day
  • Exposure to lighting from the TV or smartphone close to bedtime
  • Drinking too much caffeine
  • Stress and worry about professional and/or personal issues
  • Exercising before going to bed

Ideas to Help You Sleep Better

Following a few practical things could go a long way to fixing your sleeping problems. Take time to relax when you come home in the evening. Before going to bed, take a warm shower. Dim the lights and put down the smartphone at least one hour before you get into the bed.
It’s important to know that you can learn to sleep better, even if it has been a struggle for a long time. Take charge and start tracking sleep patterns and symptoms. Use this information to begin making healthy lifestyle changes. Also, do not be afraid to seek help from a sleep specialist or use an aide like Accutrition. The goal is identifying root causes and improving your sleep and quality of life.

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