Hey mamas! This month is breastfeeding awareness month. I know that not everyone chooses to breastfeed. There are many reasons that a mama may choose an alternative route. This is not me standing on my soapbox telling you that you need to breastfeed, so please do not take it that way. I just thought it would be fun and maybe even a little informative to tell you why I personally have chosen the journey of breastfeeding.

My son has been exclusively breastfed up until about a week ago when he turned 6 months old. Happy AND healthy!!
I like to make informed decisions, especially if it is going to affect the ones I love most. So when it came to breastfeeding I jumped in with both feet! I had heard the phrase “breast is best” before, but I wanted to know WHY it was best. You may already know a lot of the information that I am about to share, but hopefully I am able to encourage you and help you personally make an informed decision. Breastfeeding is definitely a time consuming commitment, but one that I think is worth every second! And here’s why…
Benefits for baby ::
- Liquid Gold – That thick first breast milk called colostrum is an immune boosting, nutrient rich powerhouse. This “liquid gold” forms a protective layer on your baby’s mucous membranes in the intestines, nose, and throat that gives their immune systems a boost during those first few days of life.
- Breast milk is easier to digest – the proteins in formula are made from cow’s milk. As humans, we were not designed to drink milk from a 2500-pound beast, so it takes babies’ tiny tummies some time to adjust to digesting it.
- Breast milk fights disease – Breast milk boosts the immune system. Studies have shown that children who are exclusively breastfed for at least 6 months are less likely to develop:
- Stomach Viruses
- Ear Infections
- Meningitis
- Asthma
- Obesity
- Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes
- High Cholesterol
- Inflammatory Bowel Disease
- Comfort/Bonding – I know from experience that there is a special bond for a baby (and mother) with breastfeeding. There have been many times where the only thing my infant son needed was to be close to his mommy. There is something surreal about being able to fulfill a physical and emotional need your child has.
Now that we’ve talked about the benefits for baby, you might be thinking, “So I get that it’s healthy for my baby, but what’s in it for me other than saggy breasts, smelling like sour milk and feeling like a cow?” Well… a lot!
Benefits for mommy ::
- Money in your pocket – Breastfeeding is FREE! Enough said! Haha…
- Overall health – Breastfeeding is linked to a lower risk of:
- Type 2 Diabetes
- Breast Cancer
- Ovarian Cancer
- Postpartum Depression
- Helps you lose weight – Yes, I said it…. Breastfeeding helps you lose weight! Producing milk and maintaining a good milk supply means that your body uses more calories. In fact, your body will potentially burn up to 600 more calories every day while breastfeeding. That means I don’t have to feel guilty (ok… maybe not AS guilty!) when I take an extra helping of dinner or dessert (wink wink).
- Convenience – No need to get up in the middle of the night to warm a bottle of formula, you have a built in milk warmer right on your chest! If you sleeping in the same room as your baby, simply roll over, grab baby out of the basinet and BOOM you’re done!
- I know that breastfeeding in public can be a touchy topic. I believe it is a decision you have to make personally. For me, with a sufficient cover, I am totally at ease feeding my little man in public. Later this month I will be reviewing a couple nursing covers, so check back for your chance to win a wonderful cover! 🙂 The first cover will be reviewed and given away next Tuesday!
I have learned from experience that breastfeeding can be very difficult and discouraging those first few weeks after baby is born. You feel like you start to grow roots in one spot because nursing takes up so much of your time! There is also a time of learning for both you and baby. My son did not latch on right away. Thankfully I had a wonderful lactation consultant at the hospital that did not make me feel panicked about my son’s lack of interest. With patience and time, we worked through it.
As the days and weeks went on, I went through a roller coaster of agony (Yes, it hurts!) and complete joy. There is something special in knowing that you are able to meet your child’s every need both physically and emotionally. If you can focus on this, the pain does not seem too bad. In fact, it seems worth it.
What’s amazing to me is that God intricately designed the human body. To know that He supplied me with all the tools I need to help my child grow and flourish just takes my breath away.
Breastfeeding may be difficult at first, but from my experience perseverance is worth it!
Pamphlets from my doctor
Women’s Health
Natural Resource Defense Council
Baby Center