We have reached the point in life where my children enjoy books so much that it will take multiple attempts to speak with them to get their attention. This is a good thing in that I know their vocabulary and reading skills are greatly improving even while their mom’s voice chores may be ignored for longer than I would like. (My mother would say this is retribution for my own childhood.)
Anyway, today I’m sharing a couple new finds from our friends at Sleeping Bear Press that were instant hits at our house.
First up is Hannah’s Tall Order: An A to Z Sandwich written by Linda Vander Heyden and illustrated by Kayla Harren. This book is pure silliness as we watch tiny Hannah dictate her A to Z sandwich order at her local deli. With everything from avocados to egg salad and whipped cream to xouba (sardines) on her monster of a lunch order there is no wonder that my children’s eyes were getting wider and wider as they read along to the story.
My own spunky little red headed girl was amused and disgusted at the same time and quite frankly, that always seems to be a winning combination for the elementary crowd. This delightful book with fun illustrations is for ages 4-8, but don’t let that fool you. My 10 year old had a whole lot of fun reading this tale to her 3 year old brother.
The other book I have to share today has a dash of silly along with a big serving of sweet. With Love, Grandma is written by Helen Foster James and illustrated by Petra Brown and is a sweet story about a grandma keeping in touch with her beloved grandchild through letters. The letters include special memories the two have shared, silly sayings that made my own children giggle, fun ideas for their upcoming Camp Grandma, and some small gifts like a paper pirate hat (which they include directions on how to make at the end of the book!).
My children are very blessed to have two grandmas who live near but when they fly south for the winter or go out on adventures this is a great way to remind them that they are still loved and never far from Grandma’s mind or heart. This book is also for ages 4-8 and once again my 3 year old was happily giggling with his 10 year old sister as she read this sweet story to him before bed.
What new books are your family enjoying this summer?