We got some perfect goodies for summer adventures from Paisley Bloom. Pictures tell it all. We just love unique and fun clothes and Paisley Bloom always has it. Plus, you need to check out the fun Back to School tees.

My girls love to match so matching tanks and towels were in order. I love the fun and customizable designs Paisley Bloom offers. Not to mention different style shirts and tanks.

If you still need some fun summer goodies for your last minute get away or family vacation, check out Paisley Bloom. And don’t forget to see what else they have for mama and back to school.

the artist :: jaime is a mama of three sweet littles. she lives life day by day and is passionate about natural living and organic products. she loves to snuggle, blog and take photos. she has an eye for design and loves to sip on wine. sunflowers cheer her up. she also loves to travel and learn.
Find more of Jaime on her blog, twitter, pinterest, instagram and Google+.