I can’t believe that our little baby girl will be starting to eat solids in the next few weeks! It seems like we were just bringing her home from the hospital a few weeks ago. I thought time flew by with our first, but it seems to have gone even faster with our second. I think it’s a combination of the fact that she was born a few weeks before Christmas along with having an almost 2 year old to chase around while taking care of her that makes the time seem to move more quickly. I have to say that we’ve been able to enjoy the little things and I’m trying to follow some of the best advice I’ve received. “Don’t be so worried about missing out on something, that you miss out.” I love this. It’s so easy to worry that you are going to miss a certain stage that you don’t take time to fully enjoy it.

When my son was born, I took a lot of vegetables from our garden and made our own baby food. I froze many different kinds in pretty good quantities. He never liked baby food! All that preparation into getting him healthy options and he didn’t want it! So this time around, I decided to skip making my own and searching for companies that I can be confident in using to feed my baby girl her food.
Earth’s Best offers such a large variety of foods for babies starting at stage 1 foods which are for babies who are 4 months. The foods go from there adding different combinations of fruits, vegetables, and grains. They offer food for my toddler too! He loves the Organic Letter of the Day cookies and the Apple Sunny Days Snack Bars. I love that their goal is to use fresh, pure ingredients to help parents keep their kids healthy.

In the next few weeks we will start with some vegetables, and then introduce fruits too! I hope she enjoys the baby food a little more than her older brother did. Every stage that comes and goes brings some sentimental things, but starting solids is going to make her seems older. While it’s a little sad to me that she won’t be exclusively nursing anymore, it’s also exciting knowing that she can try new things and go a little longer in between feedings.

What was your baby’s favorite food?
Amy Tolley
May 23, 2016 at 6:46 amGreat post ..thanks for sharing their products sound amazing and love that they are organic…
Maryann D.
May 1, 2016 at 8:01 amWhen my children were babies, I always shopped for Earth’s Best. At the time they were hard to find, but I did travel to buy this baby food and it was worth it.
Christina A.
April 19, 2016 at 1:52 pmThis is the food that I started my son on over 16 years ago and they’re still great today! #truestory
Dandi D
April 18, 2016 at 7:06 amThese look really great, but I haven’t seen them in any grocery stores in my area.