In good eats/ recipes

starting the new year off right + 5 easy dinners {#LingLingAsian #LL #ad}

This post was sponsored by Ling Ling, all opinions expressed in my post are my own.

I don’t know about you, but when the new year hits, I feel like I need to organize and RE-organize all.the.things. I feel like I need to fix things that aren’t broken and try new things that I am not sure about. I just need to do it all! I have the energy and gusto behind me to get it done.


Now that the first few weeks are behind us, I have done a lot of these things and want to continue going. That being said though, time gets away from me VERY quickly! Before I know it, it’s 4:00 on a week day and kids are getting home. I have no clue what we are doing for dinner and then we just graze for a few hours until bedtime. It’s really a trip on the days when this happens and I have severe mom guilt! So, what I’ve been doing in the midst of all these lists and to-do items is creating lists for meals. I know meal prep is a super big thing all times of the year, but especially the new year when everyone is getting organized with all their weight loss and fitness goals.

For me, meal time isn’t all about making sure my kids have the healthiest meals every single time they eat. In a perfect world, YES, that’s what I want. Some days I am all for convenience, some days I am focused on simple and easy and other days I’m all about…what’s in the freezer that I can make that everyone will eat?Ling Ling Potstickers

One of the things that we have been grabbing here and there is a fun ‘new to us’ item from Ling Ling. It’s their potstickers! Have you had these before? We had them couple years ago when I bought a huge bag at Costco. When I recently saw them at my local grocery store, I grabbed them again and they were more of a hit now than they were back then. The kids ate them all, age ranges from 12 down to 4!

The Potstickers are available in multiple flavors, we went for the Chicken & Vegetable. They are also offered in Pork & Vegetable as well as vegetable. If Potstickers aren’t your thing, you can always try out the Spring Rolls from Ling Ling too (available in Chicken as well as Vegetable).Ling Ling Potstickers

These items from Ling Ling are like one stop shopping, for the most part. They come with great flavor as well as a dipping sauce included. Not only that, the price was great at under $8 at my local supermarket. I added some sides to that as well, but I’d say the whole meal we created was under $20 for 6 people!

Did you know that it is the Chinese New Year on February 5th too? Add it to your calendar and share this with your kids. Why not make up a fun meal to celebrate and talk about the Chinese New Year with them. My kids are always loving to talk fun holidays!

5 easy dinners with potstickers from ling ling

Now, for the 5 dinner ideas!

  1. Simple and easy – make up the Potstickers and dip!
  2. Serve with rice.
  3. Add them to an asian mix salad.
  4. Make a stir fry with them – use your normal recipe *if you have one* and add these. If not, check out Pinterest for some great inspiration.
  5. Mix them in with some ramen noodles and add a side dish like oranges.

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Help me add to my list! What are some things you want to get changed up or re-organized this year? ALSO, what are some of your go-to dinner quick AND simple meals?

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