In fashion/ little fashions

sunbeam has hit the halo collective site + coupon

There are so many tee shirt shops out there and are unique in their own way. One of my favorites and that stands out is Halo Collective. Why it stands out to me is the fact that I know she puts her heart in soul into each design.  I love the fact that she creates the designs.

A favorite that she just released is “SunBeam”. It brings joy and smiles. When I found this yellow wall, it was the perfect place to take her photo with this shirt.
halo collective

Jesus wants me for a sunbeam to shine for him each day!

halo collectivehalo collective
Halo Collective faith based tees add fun and a positive vibe to your wardrobe. Be sure to check out the rest of her selection because I am sure there are more that you would like. Plus, I have become great friends with this sweet shop owner and would love nothing more to generate some business for her.

Use Charlee15 to get a discount on your purchase!!

halo collective

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