In theSIMPLEmoms

sweat, blood, tears :: life at ginny’s house

How was your Sunday? Doesn’t this photo look like we are so happy and put together? Let me tell you the real way our day went down. It’s laughable after the fact, and it makes me glad that every day isn’t like today.

It’s a struggle every single Sunday to get out the door on time. Charlie has this really sweet trick where he poops his pants (and often his clothes) at the very moment we are leaving. Today he was right on cue. So he’s pictured in outfit number 2.

About 30 minutes before we left for church, Annabelle got weepy. More like waily. Since we had our Sunday school promotion she has not handled the change well. Hysterics break out earlier and earlier every week. So, I’m running around getting us ready for church with a crying 4 year old who can’t be reasoned with. STRESS SWEAT starts.

We got to church, but there was no time to get her situated in her class so Annabelle studied 1 Chronicles with Josh and I in the junior SS class. You can’t tell in this picture, but her eye lashes were soaking from tears. The flood gates opened again when it was time for Jr. Church. More sweat set in….ANGRY SWEAT…because I have a kid that won’t stop crying. We finally regrouped when our very loved teacher took her to her class. I was able to sit in church. Now I have DRIED we covered sweat (3 kinds), tears, and more tears.
Then there is this smoldering smile. He’s so cute in his new tie. Did you see the review that went live Wednesday? There’s a giveaway.

Now the blood. Jack won’t give us the full story, but there was something that went wrong on the slide and his lip and tooth didn’t fair well. We might have a second kid with a grey tooth. No tears when it happened because he was fearful of being in trouble. There were tears when Daddy banned American Ninja Warrior. Sadly, a little friend of ours was doing the spider climb in a doorway (Jack’s favorite move) and she broke her arm in 2 places. We’ve banned spider climbs as well. It’s tough being a kid with such mean parents who don’t want broken bones or faces. His bubble is on special order.

Despite the sweat, tears, and blood that our day held…I needed a picture of the guys in their matching ties. We hid the blood stains on shirt sleeves and the smiles (even with a fat lip) are real.
Annabelle, looking so put together. You’d never know she had spent 2 hours of her day crying.
Brother time…talking and thinking.


Even though it wasn’t our finest day, I wouldn’t trade these 3 for anything. Tomorrow will hold a new day of drama and we will live to laugh and talk about it.


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