Why do we commemorate 9/11? For me, it’s how I preserve the memory of those who were killed, I want to honor the many brave men and women that sacrificed their lives whether they were in the building at work or first responders, and I am so proud to be an American and associated with the great country that continues to emerge united despite tragedy.

photo credit: https://www.facebook.com/911memorial
HERE is a website with amazing stories from September 11 told by the people that were there.
the penny pincher :: ginny is a follower of Christ, a happy wife, & a mom to 3 kiddos ages 14, 12, and 8. she is a midwest transplant to the west coast. she’s in full-time Christian ministry with her husband, has a passion for living frugally, loves to redecorate her house continuously, strives to reach 10k fitbit steps daily, & is an avid coca cola & oreo consumer. Find more of Ginny on facebook, pinterest and Instagram.
November 23, 2014 at 10:49 pmI participate
Amanda Fuscone
October 3, 2014 at 9:57 amI remember being in school when this happened this was on the news everywhere. I feel bad for all the people who died on this day.
cathy o
September 29, 2014 at 12:07 pmI participate in the great honor and its a beautiful commemoration! http://www.healingfield.org/utah14/