For as long as I can remember, I have always been embarrassed and ashamed of the way I look. Yes, it’s a hard thing to say and I know people say you shouldn’t feel that way, but it’s hard to change. I never wanted to be in photos, I never wanted photos of myself to be shared. I didn’t even want to be in photos with my kids. You wanna know what’s hard? Loving your body when you don’t want to. Loving your body when it causes you so much pain. Loving your body when you don’t see what you want to see. Being a woman, is hard. Losing weight is hard. Yes, it’s the weight subject. But, hear me out.
I don’t know what percentage of women I fall into, but I know I can’t be alone. I know that what I feel needs to be normalized because so many of us suffer silently. I know that, until I got a message one day that said “me too” I had felt so alone and as though something was so very wrong with me mentally.
Even thought some days I did feel like I had it all together, I really didn’t. I pretend, just like many other do.
After losing the weight, my life has seriously changed. For the better. It is seriously unbelievable and I am so PROUD of myself.
So now I say it to you, and I hope it gives you some sense of relief. To know our bodies are capable of such magical things, and they carry us through each day, but it’s okay to find yourself frustrated and confused. It’s okay to be mad at not being able to lose that one pound. It’s okay to feel so disconnected with the vessel that you’re living in. Our stories are written and beautifully crafted by him, so in the midst of these hard days that is where I’ll lay my trust down. I know over time answers will reveal themselves. I will feel connected to my body no matter what day of the month it is. I will see the miracles of what my body can do. & so will you ♥️
So here I am, sharing with all of you….a selfie! This is ME! And I’m making no excuses anymore. I am worthy of sharing my story and showing myself! Walking around with amazing shoes like these, gives me confidence and comfort. I love how Secret Celebrity has a variety of shoes to chose from. The Destiny are easy to slip into, strap them to keep your feet in place for all-day comfort. No laces, No Fuss. Perfect for the mom on the go. These can easily be paired with crop jeans and a graphic tee. Check them out for in trend fashion and affordable prices.
I am happy and proud! You can be too. Lots of hard work but you can do it! You can do anything if you put your mind to it. Set a goal and got for it!
What would make you happy? What does a comfy outfit look like for you?