I am having my 4th child in January. Anyone who knows me, knows that I have had challenges breast feeding with two of my three so far. I am not anticipating having challenges this time, however, if I do, I want to be prepared with a great breast pump. My personal belief is breast is best. However, to each his own! 🙂
I was introduced to the new Philips Avent Comfort Double Electric Breast Pump when I was in Chicago in July and was blown away at what I learned. So, I had to share with you all! I am going to highlight some of the great features this pump has in addition to why I think you should choose this over the other on the market. So, here we go!

One of the first things I noticed when I opened the box was how small the machine is and the space it did NOT take up. When you have a newborn, or any amount of kids for that matter, space is important. It’s sleek, pretty and honestly if turned the right way on your end table, would not even look like a breast pump. That’s very important to me because I do not like to move things around. I like to find a spot and sit in it. Unless traveling of course 😉 Then for that matter, the case comes in quite handy with LOTS of room for additional bottles!

Probably the most important feature that I learned about when I was in Chicago was the “Soft Massage Cushion”. When pumping, you already feel like a horse/cow/pig (whatever animal you think of LOL!), however you don’t want to feel like you are! Kinda graphic, I know LOL! But seriously, what I learned that I loved was the soft massage cushion make pumping, just plain more comfortable! I mean, we have to be relaxed to have the “release” and some pumps are so uncomfortable that the “release” is hard to come by.
In addition to the soft massage cushion effect, you don’t have to bend over to get the flow going. You know what I mean if you have ever pumped before. The machine and design are working for YOU to help produce the most amount of milk that a machine can do. Obviously, diet and your own body are responsible for 99% of the work in creating the milk, but you want something that helps get it in the bottle if that’s your course of action, right?
While I can not give this a personal testimony, I have had a chance to talk with the people in charge of this, seen demos AND talked with mothers who have used this. They can NOT praise this pump enough. I’m very excited to be able to try this out. If you are in the market, I highly recommend this this for all the reasons stated here in this post!!
All in all, I’m PUMPED (ha ha, i had to!) to use this with baby #4!
philips avent comfort double electric breast pump :: $274.99
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August 7, 2014 at 11:25 pm[…] {{bag is Vera Bradley and pump is Avent…}} […]