2 In SIMPLE updates

the SIMPLE moms :: welcome melissa to the team!

We would like to introduce a new mom to our team, Melissa.  Here is an official intro to her and the bio that you will see at the bottom of her posts:

melissa is a busy momma to four littles and wife to her favorite man. she is a sewist with a little shop on etsy, a photographer of her most favorite people, and a blogger of all things that interest her. on a daily basis melissa longs for a good nap!

We are SO excited to have Melissa on the team.  She has been blogging a while and we believe she is going to bring a fun, fresh style with her posts on SIMPLE!


Shannon & Jaime

{See all of the SIMPLE moms HERE!}

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  • Heather!
    August 14, 2012 at 4:05 pm

    Yay! Looking forward to reading you! 😉

  • Jaime :: owner
    August 13, 2012 at 3:14 pm

    Welcome Melissa….so glad to have you on the team.