This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Commando Dad.
My husband is not a new dad. He has been a daddy for over 8 years now! However, we have had 4 children in the past 8 years and with every child, something new arises.
From what they need to sleep, how they like to be swaddled or not, what bottles they like and so much more. Everyone is so completely different. So, each time we had a new baby, it was like we were first time parents all over again! How fun, right?!?!
While we find this fun, some dad’s simply freak out about the change. Do I have a FUN and informative while educational book for the Dad in your life that you think this description sounds fitting for. Commando Dad is new to us but what I read in it is so relateable to many men out there! To say it’s funny is an understatement.
First off, the book is written by an “ex-commando” and father of three little tikes. So he is sure not fooling around and making the stuff up. It’s real life up in here! The way he relates and delivers a message and/or tip, is funny and quite clever. The picture above is real and not forced, my husband could relate on many levels with this book!! 🙂
This book is sure getting some fame too. It’s a HUGE hit in the UK, and hello! Prince William even read it before he became a daddy himself.
This book is great for:
- first time dads
- dad’s who need a little humor in their life
- dad’s who ARE the humor in everyone’s live
- basically…every dad would get a kick out of this book!
You can read more about it HERE. I could continue to attempt to persuade you, but why not just click on over so I don’t have to copy and paste lol!!
SO…who would this book be good for in YOUR life?!?!? What advice, or life tip, would you give to any new Dad?
commando dad :: $12.45 on amazon as of the date of this review, retails for $16.95
It’s a quickie, but one SIMPLE reader will win a copy of this book! Comment below with your own “survival tip” for new dads to be entered to win a copy of the book. Following that requirement, visit the Rafflecopter to receive additional entries.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Commando Dad.
June 6, 2014 at 5:29 amBest tip I could offer is to make sure you watch for the signs of postpartum depression in your significant other, it is no joke!
June 6, 2014 at 12:06 amJust love…your wife, your new baby, anyone who offers to help…just love them. That is all.
June 5, 2014 at 11:48 pmJust seeing the pics of your hubs makes me want it for Paul!
Em Ma
June 5, 2014 at 4:33 pmMy best survival tip is to relax – babies can sense when you’re tense. Also, it’s best to do what your wife says – at least for the first few weeks after the baby is born!