“The note”. How many of you know what I’m talking about already? Yep, the dreaded note home from school alerting you that a case of lice has been reported in the school/grade/class of your child. I cannot even read that note without scratching my head. The next few days are met with lots of reminders to never. ever. ever. share hats or hairbrushes. But the worry is still there! Thankfully there is now a spray to help keep the lice away! Hawk and Sloane has formulated a natural spray of apple cider vinegar, aloe and essential oils that helps repel head lice. We have been fortunate enough to avoid lice so far, but several friends have not been so lucky! We’re talking hours of combing through hair, washing everything and even hiring a company to get their house lice free. So the next time you get “the note” make sure you’re ready with Hawk and Sloane’s Lice Spray to keep those pests away! Definitely a good idea to send a bottle of this to summer camp with your kids!
Potty mouth. Whatever the words, most kids say a few in their toddler years. When I was a kid, saying a naughty word meant my mouth got washed out with soap (anyone else live through that??) I’m not sure how many people still take that approach these days–it’s definitely not something I hear about. But Hawk and Sloane has created a spray to take the place of the old soap in the mouth. Sassy Spray was designed to stop the sass with a yucky flavor while still being full of healthy apple cider vinegar and vita veggies (think broccoli, carrot, tomato and kale). I have to admit, I haven’t used it on my kids yet. Thankfully mine are out of the potty talk phase. But it’s still in my repertoire! And, just for you, I did spray some into my mouth to give it a taste. Pretty much tastes like vinegar! (Side note::I actually wonder if it might help a sore throat. My mom always says to gargle with apple cider vinegar and I JUST CANNOT DO IT! But I could easily spray a few squirts of this in my mouth. Thoughts??)
Nighttime frights. Both of my boys went through a phase of being scared at night. My four-year-old still has occasional nights where he’s scared in his room. Hawk and Sloane suggests spraying their Scary Spray as part of your nighttime routine, keeping the “monsters” away. The calming eucalyptus and lemon might be enough to keep your toddler from losing his cool. And while it might not be for everyone, if you have a responsible older child you feel comfortable leaving the bottle with, they can even spray away the monsters in the middle of the night. {Hey, if it lets you sleep a bit longer, it’s worth a shot!}
Hawk and Sloane also has three other sprays for other parenting inevitabilities. Stinky Spray is made to keep the stink out of the diaper pail. But honestly I want to try it on sports gear! Diapers are bad but stinky sports shoes and gloves are even worse! Sleepy Spray helps calm nerves and get kids ready to sleep. And Soothie Spray is great for diaper rashes and other irritated skin. Sounds perfect to have on hand for all the summer ouchies! What Hawk and Sloane spray would be your favorite?
Maryann D.
June 5, 2017 at 5:09 amI love that idea of Scary Spray at night! I wish I thought of that when my kids were young and essential oils are wonderful!
Kristin C
May 30, 2017 at 8:59 amThe lice note is the worst one we’ve gotten so far!
May 30, 2017 at 2:19 pmUgh, yes! Did it make your head itch all day long???