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tips for moms to have better quality sleep

It’s no secret that being a mom is hard. It can be physically tiring, mentally draining, and emotionally overwhelming. And yet, mothers are often too busy taking care of everyone else to remember to take care of themselves. But moms deserve self-care!  Moms everywhere know the struggle of trying to balance motherhood with their own needs. For mothers, prioritizing sleep can be difficult. You might find your mind racing with all the things you need to do tomorrow, or you feel guilty for taking time away from your kids. But remember that sleep is important – not only for you but also for your kids! This article will provide you with some solid advice on how to take care of yourself as a mom while still being there for your kids. 

1. Prioritize your own needs as a mom, even if it means less time with your kids sometimes

Without a doubt, your kids should always be your main priority, but that doesn’t mean that you should put yourself last at all times. Doing so can compromise not only your health but also your ability to care for your kids. Investing in a good quality mattress is important for everyone, but especially for mothers who often have to wake up many times during the night. But being a mom can be quite hectic and time-consuming, leaving you with little to no time to do some research about good quality mattresses, and is here to help you if you are in that exact situation. Remember that taking care of yourself is actually one of the best things you can do for your children, as it ensures that you are able to be there mentally and physically for them. Sure, giving up some time with them might seem like a sacrifice at first, but in the long run, letting yourself have small breaks away from them will make you a better mother. It may seem as though the only time you have to yourself is when your kids are asleep. And yet, if you’re always running on low energy and no sleep, then how can you take care of them properly? As a mother, make sure that you put some time aside for yourself – even if it means going to bed earlier or waking up later. You deserve it!

2. Things that can help you get better sleep  

  • Give Yourself Some Alone Time – It’s important to make time for yourself, and what better way to enjoy some alone time than sleeping! Consider making a list of things you need to do during the day and limiting the number of tasks you check off by yourself. This way, you can take care of all the tasks that don’t require your kids or anyone else, then enjoy some “me time” in the evening before bed. 
  • Take an Evening Nap – Even if it’s just a 20-minute nap, consider taking one whenever you have a chance. Nap times are easier when your kids are younger because they napped themselves, but now that they are older, they might no longer take naps. This is when it becomes more important, not less. If you can’t nap during the day (due to responsibilities), then try taking an evening nap, so you feel better rested the next day. 
  • Limit Caffeine – While caffeine can help with alertness and focus, too much of it can cause problems with your sleep. Caffeine takes hours to wear off, which is why it’s best to avoid drinking coffee (or any other caffeine) late in the day if you want good quality sleep at night. 
  • Be aware of light pollution. Consider investing in light-blocking curtains or an eye mask if necessary to block out any artificial lights at night that can disrupt your circadian rhythms and throw off your natural body clock. 
  • Nutrition, hydration, and exercise are all key to having good quality sleep. Make sure you have a healthy diet with enough water and try to exercise consistently, so your body is ready for restful sleep each night. 

3. Do not neglect yourself and your needs 

All moms need a break from parenting responsibilities and can benefit from self-care. Self-care for mothers is vital because it promotes general well-being, helps moms maintain mental health, and gives mothers time to spend with themselves to rediscover who they are outside of being moms. Moms also deserve the chance to recharge their batteries, so they can be mentally and physically available for their children. Self-care activities should not be limited to sitting at home on the couch eating ice cream every night. There are plenty of things that mothers can do, from reading a book or going for a walk, to taking a bath or meditating. One thing that many forget is that sleep is important too, and quality sleep helps moms remain healthy and happy. Although it might seem impossible to find time for self-care, taking care of oneself can be as simple as cooking a meal or spending 20 minutes unwinding before bedtime. It is important for mothers to remember that they deserve their own share of happiness and should not feel guilty when wanting to spend time on themselves.

4. Examples of how to let yourself have small breaks away from your kids without neglecting them

Some examples of how to let yourself have small breaks away from your kids without neglecting them are:

  • Take a 10-minute walk around the block while they play in their room.
  • Get coffee with a friend while your kids play in the park nearby.
  • Put on Netflix and let them watch it with you for 45 minutes before starting their bedtime routine.
  • Take a quick shower or bath to refresh yourself.
  • Read the new parenting magazine you picked up from the doctor’s office.
  • Treat yourself to one hour of yoga, meditation, or exercise before bedtime, so you can relax and unwind.

It’s important for moms to remember that they deserve happiness and should not feel guilty when wanting time away from their kids. Letting yourself have small breaks without neglecting your children can be as simple as taking a walk, getting coffee with friends, or reading the new parenting magazine you picked up at the doctor’s office. Doing these things will help mothers maintain mental health while staying physically available for their children. By taking care of themselves, mommies are better able to provide care and support to others too! If all this sounds challenging, and you want some help implementing self-care into your busy schedule, don’t hesitate to ask other moms for advice, or even get some professional help!

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