It is the time of our life now when I feel we should start taking family vacations. Not out of necessity, really only because I started remembering our family vacations when I was about 5-6 years old. Well, my Lili is now 6 years old. Even though her sisters are younger, I just really want to start off our family vacation traditions.
Now having three kids definitely changes things. It’s not like when it was just Mike and I. I used to spend 20 minutes, pack a few outfits, grab our bathroom things and BOOM! We are done and out the door. Now, there is SO much more. I put together a little process (if you will) that I typically go through when we are traveling with our kids. A checklist “ish”. So, I thought I would share that with you.
Here are some pointers on traveling with young kids (things that I do every time we travel – but specifically things I did just this last trip we went on to Mackinaw):
- Don’t tell them you are leaving, well…until you are leaving. I made this mistake…once. Every minute of the hour on the day we were leaving, Lili asked if we were leaving yet. It was horrible. LOL! Now we wait…until like the day before we leave. Not sure if it’s right or not, but that’s how we roll.
Traveling = germs. Everywhere. Whether you are traveling by car or plane, germ city. Ick. Our family is big on vitamins, the kids have a whole bucket of vitamins they take daily. They love it. I am HUGE on probiotics too. Segwaying here…but have you heard of or used probiotics? They are just good stuff for your gut honestly. They put good stuff in to help balance out the bad stuff. Everyone should be on a probiotic in my humble and ACCURATE opinion 😉 We have been using them for a while now and were recently introduced to Culturelle. They have a kids line that rocks. It’s in chewables and powder, depending on your child’s age. Also, on the box it says #1 Pediatrician Recommended Brand. Good.
- As you are doing the laundry the week of the trip, start packing instead of putting away. I create little piles in my room (because the baby can’t tackle them down to the ground as easily). I can visually see better that way.
- Make a list of everything that is essential – like underwear, bottles, snacks, number of shorts needed, number of t-shirts needed, jeans, etc. Then, use the list! 🙂 Don’t just make it, but actually check things off. Keep it in a prominent place so when you have down time you can start the packing so it’s not major crunch time the morning of leaving. My dad taught me this, and it’s always been very beneficial.
- Kids like to eat. So the day before we leave, I take time in the kitchen to prepare snacks. I cut up carrots and celery. Purchase some cracker snacks in bags. I just make sure that whatever I pack snack-wise are good for traveling. Like when we stop to take a break, it’s something that I can quick grab and don’t have to prepare. Because, let’s be honest. When traveling with kids, we just want to arrive to the destination, don’t we? Also, by bringing your own snacks you can ensure what is going in your body is good for you and not the junk you buy along the way because you are starving. Again, reference #2…germs everywhere so if you are putting good in you are helping your body still!
We arrived safe and sound to Mackinaw and had a ball!
I hope these tips will help you for your next trip too!
I was compensated for this post. All opinions expressed are my own.
August 31, 2012 at 5:53 pmLove this picture of your girls. So sweet.
Shannon :: owner
September 5, 2012 at 10:22 amThanks Sarah 🙂