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top five tips for a sleepy baby

Top Five Tips For a Sleepy Baby

Most new parents would put ‘getting baby to sleep at night’ at the top of their list of
challenges. However, it doesn’t have to be a bedtime battle. Try these five tips and you’ll
soon have baby yawning away on cue!

  1. Teach them day from night – Newborns have no concept of the difference between night and day, which is why you might find your little one sleeping most of the day and then having you up all night long, leaving you suffering from ‘baby lag’.  From a young age however you can begin to teach them the difference. Enjoy plenty of play time during daytime hours, sing songs and engage with your baby. When evening comes, begin to wind down together with low voices and lights and no distractions.
  2. Limit daytime naps – While it’s sure to be tempting to let your baby nap as much as he or she wants to, discouraging long naps, particularly in the afternoon, will ensure that they are ready to sleep come bedtime.
  3. Check sleeping conditions – The temperature of your baby’s room should be maintained at 16-20 degrees, and the lighting should be kept low. Any kind of baby room thermometers will help you monitor the room temp to make sure that it is not uncomfortably hot or cold. Blackout curtains are also a good investment.
  4. Implement a good bedtime routine – A good, pre-bedtime baby sleep routine can work wonders when it comes to helping your baby off to sleep. Johnson’s Baby has come up with a three step routine which includes a warm bath, followed by baby massage and quiet time before bed.
  5. Stick to it! Once you’ve got your baby into a good routine, stick to it. Consistency is key, so keep your routine as consistent as possible and it will up your chances of a great night’s sleep.

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