In around the house/ misc

top tips to get ready for baby #2 (or 3, or 4…)

Expecting again?  Congratulations!  Whether this is #2 or you’ve been through this a few times, it’s always a bit of a transition time for everyone.  While it’s impossible to plan for everything,  here are a few ways you can get ready for baby:


    1.  Make a nursing basket.  Whether you plan on nursing or bottle feeding (and please don’t beat yourself up over this decision), this is a special bonding time for you and your baby.  Before my son was born, I put together a small basket of toys that my daughter could play with only while I was nursing.  When she had access to special toys a few times a day, those toys seem a bit more special and she was able to look forward to his feeding time instead of feeling like she was ignored.  Choose toys that you think your child will love–they can be new toys and books or you can just rotate through existing toys.


IMG_12142.  Wear your baby.  I highly recommend finding a comfortable wrap to hold your baby.  This was the easiest way to do anything with my toddler and my baby.  It made it so much easier to go to the park, cook dinner or do an art project with my older children without leaving the baby off to the side.  And grocery shopping!  I can’t even imagine trying to fit anything in the cart with a carseat and an older child or two in there!  Plus my babies were always happier being worn than they were in their carseats.  I kind of felt like a superstar when I was cooking dinner while doing an art project with my daughter and getting some good cuddles with my son.


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3.  Plan a few “dates” with your older child.  My second child was born during the flu season in a very cold and snowy February.  Not only was I recovering from a rough c-section after a very long labor, I wasn’t ready to expose my baby to the germs at library story time or, even worse, the mall play area.  I felt stuck–and so did my daughter.  So I started planning little dates, just for me and her.  And I’m not talking movies or manicures here (though if you’re up for that, go for it)!  Sometimes our dates would really be venturing into the backyard through piles of snow to swing or taking advantage of the baby’s nap time to snuggle in bed and read books or sneak in a quick game of Candyland. Just those few minutes of one-on-one time might be all it takes to thwart that oncoming tantrum.




4.  Accept help! I know this can be a tough one, but those meals people offer to bring can be a lifesaver.  Not only does it save you time making dinner, but you might be able to hold off on your grocery shopping another day.  And it’s pretty likely that you won’t have as much cleaning up to do, too!  And don’t stop at meals!  If someone offers to watch your kids for a few minutes so you can enjoy a shower, do it!  I was so bad about this after my second child, but by the time my third came along, I was happy handing him off so I could have a few minutes to try to feel like myself again!


What are your favorite tips when adding a new baby to your family?


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