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trouble sleeping? :: high tech ways to help

untitledHaving trouble sleeping is a huge problem for many people. In fact, an estimated 40 million people in the US alone suffer from long-term chronic sleep disorders, while another 20 million experience occasional sleep problems. There are many causes to these various problems. Conveniently, scientists and inventors have worked out some high-tech solutions to some of today’s terrible sleeping troubles.

I know there are some nights when I have such trouble sleeping it makes for a terrible day the next day. Do you have problems sleeping? I wanted to share a few ways to help you get better sleep.

Beddit is a high-tech device that is that is designed to help determine if and why you wake up frequently during the night. If you suffer from interrupted sleep, this sleep tracker can help you to determine why. Unlike some different sleep trackers, you don’t have to wear the Beddit. It attaches directly to your mattress, underneath your sheets, and tracks your movements, heart rate, breathing patterns, wakefulness and sleep efficiency. From that, you can create a sleep chart to help determine why you wake up during the night.
Next is, Hush earplugs. These earplugs are unlike any other earplugs you may have tried. Hush Earplugs wirelessly connect to your smart phone. They can be set to play sounds or music to help you fall asleep. They can also be used to simply shut out ambient noise in your home or room. They can even be programmed to wake you up with an alarm in the morning. These earplugs are incredible if you have problems with noise when sleeping or trying to get to sleep.
sleep infuser
Now check out the Sleep Infuser. The Sleep Infuser is a new white-noise device that can help with that particular problem. For some insomniacs, white noise can help to lull them off to sleep. The Sleep Infuser is a high-tech version of that. It can be set to play a variety of white noise patterns and rhythms. It can also be programmed to shut off at a particular time or gradually get softer throughout the night. This means it won’t be wasting battery life or unexpectedly wake you.
Lastly, we have the Wake-Up light.  This is a really neat product designed by Philips. The Wake-Up Light is a device that simulates the rising sun. Starting 30 minutes before your alarm, the bulb gets gradually brighter, filling your space with simulated natural light. This is great for people who keep unusual hours, such as shift workers. A lack of natural light has been known to cause sleep disturbances.

These are just a few of the high-tech toys that can help you solve your sleeping problems. There are many other options available to help you sleep, no matter what the problem may be. With so many solutions, there’s no reason to keep living without sleep.

What are your solutions to better sleep? Would you try one of these to help?

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  • Jerry Marquardt
    May 21, 2015 at 10:53 pm

    I sometimes have trouble sleeping, so I really appreciate these pointers to help and aid in getting to sleep faster.