I am totally dating myself here but I loved the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles when it first debuted in the 1980’s (I was something of a tomboy back then). Since then, they have re-emerged in a few different versions and platforms but have always maintained the four original Turtles: Michelangelo, Raphael, Donatello, and of course, Leonardo. The new series, brought to you by Nickelodeon, is way cool and features computer animation, new enemies (don’t worry, your old favorites are still there too….Shredder will always be the Turtles’ ultimate foe!), and some serious ninja action (spoiler: they still love pizza!). My 3-year old has been in TMNT heaven since we started watching this DVD a few weeks ago. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: the Ultimate Showdown is a 2-disc set which allows us to keep one in the car for on-demand turtle power on the road, and one in the house for whenever Benjamin channels his inner ninja (which is often, truth be told). He now runs around the house doing leg kicks and shouting “hi-ya!” at whoever happens to be nearby. Usually, it’s his 1-year old sister, who smiles at him patronizingly and goes on her merry way (she is wise beyond her years).
My little man loves watching the Ninja Turtles doing what they do best: fighting the bad guys while cracking jokes and generally just being awesome. My favorite part of the new series is the theme song, which maintains the important lines from the original (“Heroes in a half shell….TURTLE POWER!”), but also incorporates a hip new rap beat which will leave you singing it to yourself while vacuuming (well, it did for me anyway). This 2-disc set features the final 12 episodes of the first season and has a run time of 312 minutes (that’s a lot of ninja action. just saying). You will love watching your favorite childhood series re-invented….I know I did!!
The Turtles face off against new enemies and old in this all-new two-disc set featuring the final twelve episodes of the first season! Don’t miss the Rat King, Cockroach, Baxter Stockman and more – all leading up to the ultimate showdown against the Kraang and the Shredder himself in a 2-part finale you won’t want to miss! And for a limited time only, get an exclusive FREE LEGO comic book inside the DVD.
The new season of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles premieres this Saturday (10/12) at 11:00 am on Nickelodeon……don’t miss it!!
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Ultimate Showdown :: $19.99 (currently on sale for $14.99!)