Last week I told you how you could consign your children’s clothes, shoes and toys for money at Kid to Kid. This week I would like to share with you how you can consign your clothes and shoes for money. If you have a teenage daughter you can do the same for her belongings. I take my daughter’s and my clothing to Uptown Cheapskate. In December I was able to consign over $100 worth of clothing and shoes to purchase new ones for her to go back to school.
Although Uptown Cheapskate is a consignment store they also have brand new items as well. When you take your items to consign you have the option to take the cash for the items or in store credit. They offer 20% more for in store credit. I have always taken the in store credit option because it’s for more money. With three children I can always find something they need. My tween daughter’s style has changed dramatically, and she is growing quicker than ever it’s been hard to keep her clothed. She has acquired a very unique style, but it suits her. Unfortunately her style is quite expensive. Thankfully the style for jeans have changed, and what we referred to as “high waters” are in style now!! If not I would have had to replace her entire wardrobe over Christmas break.
Maybe you would like to freshen up your closet, but it’s not in the budget. Consigning your clothes is a great way to clean your closets out or just freshen up your style. I love buying my designer jeans from our local Uptown Cheapskate. My favorite brand of jeans is Miss Me Jeans and if you shop at Buckle you know how much they cost new, but second hand I can usually find a pair for $25. You can check to see if you have an Uptown Cheapskate near you here.

Would you consign your clothing?
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Margaret Porter
January 23, 2019 at 1:00 pmGreat finds! I love digging thru our consignment stores for bargains!
January 4, 2019 at 12:33 pmOMG I’ve got to see if we have one around here!!