“Comcast Cable Communications Management, LLC, through its contractor, Mom Central Consulting, provided a promotional item as a thank you to the blogger who made this post for participating in this campaign. The opinions and experiences expressed in this post are solely the bloggers opinions, based on the blogger’s experiences and do not reflect any positions or opinions of Comcast Communications Management, LLC”
Summer is coming to a close around our neck of the woods and many others across the US. I know of many parents who have already sent their kids off to the first day of school. *tear* While we still have just under a month of fun to go before sending my girls off to school, we are still be entertained by the outdoors, the friends and all the fun that’s to be had with summer vacation!
You may have read the title, and now the first paragraph…seeing that they seemingly do not relate. Well, they do….in my way 🙂 LOL! While summer is full of being outside and fun trips, we have our fair amount of time traveling and/or in the house resting. For these times, we tend to pop on the television or a movie. That is where Comcast comes in to play. Were you aware that you can watch Comcast on your smart device. More on that later.
We happen to live about 40 minutes from Lake Michigan and we really enjoy going there often in the summers here in MI. The dilemma: It’s just far enough away for the kids to get out of control without some sort of entertainment. The solution: Comcast. Isn’t that just my cable provider you say? That’s just it. Comcast is so much more! Over 1000 downloadable kid-friendly shows, with our Xfinity Digital TV and Streampix subscriptions, makes traveling an ease. We use the Xfinity TV Player app and download content right to our mobile devices. No wifi, LTE, 3G coverage necessary. These show are 100% downloaded so you can literally have them with you anywhere. Our kids have taken a liking to Sprout during our 40 minute drives to the lake and back. If Sprout isn’t your child’s thing you can choose from top brands including Nickelodeon, Disney, Cartoon Network, Angry Birds Toons, PBS KIDS, the HUB Network, Dreamworks, NBCUniversal and more OR best kids TV shows including Dora the Explorer, Angry Birds Toons, Sofia the First, Phineas and Ferb, Ben 10,Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, The Chica Show, Sid the Science Kid, Lazy Town, Pajanimals, My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic and HUNDREDS MORE. It really makes me think of how may apps the Xfinity TV Player app really takes the place of. How cool is that?
Downloading the app is quite simple as well. You can read up on that HERE.
There are many additional capabilities offered through Comcast as well that we haven’t even tapped in to yet.

The last thing I’d like to share about my experience so far is how slick the Parental Controls with Xfinity are. They aren’t just controls, it’s a complete education system! It contains more than just media controls. How about tools such as videos, how-to guides an the up to date info for making smart media choices for your family. Holla! I know that I am always wondering where my child’s fingers can mistakenly click when they don’t know what they are doing. Having them click somewhere they shouldn’t is not a fear of mine thanks to the Xfinity TV’s parental controls. So easy to use 🙂
All in all, check this bad boy out. I think you will be very happy you do with all the options it has!
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