Have you been saving a special voice message in your voicemail account that you’d LOVE to save permanently? Then you’ll love Voicemails Forever. I wish I had known about this service sooner; my
lame technologically challenged service provider allows for voicemails to be saved for 14 days, then they’re gone forever. Boo.
The process is simple. Sign up, choose the phone number from which you want to record voicemails (you can change the number if you want to record another voicemail account later), and follow the directions to record the mailbox.
Be sure that you know whether you’re supposed to push # or * to access your account from your recorded greeting, and your mailbox password before you begin!! I made the mistake of pushing # instead of *, and ended up wasting a minute (1 minute = 1 credit) of my recording time. Then I screwed up my password the next time (cause AT&T my silly provider doesn’t require you to enter one from your phone, so I had no clue what my password was), and wasted another minute of my recording time. So just be prepared ahead of time. Oh, and be aware that partial minutes count as a full credit – so if you have a 30 second recording, that counts as a full credit, and if you have a 2 minute and 10 second recording, that counts as 3 credits.
How it works is that you call in to your mailbox using the Voicemails Forever phone number, and everything that you do during that call is recorded. So you can listen to as many or as few voicemails as you want, and then when you hang up, the recording will automatically be uploaded to your account. They are currently testing an mp3 editor so you can cut and edit the recordings so that each voicemail is a separate file, but since theirs wasn’t ready when I tested the service, I downloaded my file then used cut-mp3.com to edit.
Want to hear my ADORABLE voicemail that I can now save FOREVER?! Check it out:
Transcript of the Lily-speak ::
Hums {she was waving and excited}
Good morning, Daddy!
We talk to you later, Daddy!
I love you, I miss you, Daddy.
Pow-notey {coyote} in the book nana buyed. { I correct her grammar normally 😉 }
Daddy, me have a pow-notey in this book.
Bye bye, Daddy, we’ll talk to you later!
It’s turning off… {the phone backlight went dim, which totally distracted her}
Bye bye, Daddy.
I am so happy to be able to keep this spontaneous voice mail that we sent to Daddy while he was on a business trip! I LOVE the way Lily says coyote! Seriously, isn’t this just the coolest service?! I love it!
Voicemails Forever :: $19.99 for 60 credits (valid for one year)
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