But, that’s not going to stop me from looking cute and enjoying some fun beige shoes from Enjoiya! There are definitely out side of the norm for me when it comes to shoes. And I love it. Especially because they are comfortable.
Check out these three outfits and how I styled the beige Enjoiya sneakers.
Stay comfy with just a good ol’ fashion jeans and tee shirt. This is my go to outfit in the summer. It’s easy and simple. With a pair of slip on shoes it’s easy to quickly pick your outfit.
These Enjoiya journey shoes are incredibly flexible shoes and have a woven upper that move and contour to your feet for an exceptional feel. The ultra plush padded insoles have heel support, pronounced arch support and comfort toe bars that make these shoes feel like you’re walking on air. The fashion element is enhanced by the in-style jute wrapped outsole. These shoes are chic, comfortable and ideal for all-day wear!
Slowly easing my way into some fashion sense, I have been adding more and more fun pieces to my wardrobe. This little camo vest goes perfect with the beige Enjoiya shoes. Add a fun tee underneath and some black distressed jeans…BOOM – total comfort!!
Just a simple jean and long sleeve shirt is easy to put on when your in a hurry. Moms needs something simple to put on for those days in and out of the house. Plus, the Enjoiya shoes are easy to slip on and off.
Are you ready for a journey? Slip on these casual sneakers and hit the road!