Writing a post featuring JOHNSON’S® products I was given, and sharing some knowledge I’ve learned along the way. All opinions are my own! #johnsonspartners #SoMuchMore
Being a mom of four little ones, well, not so little any more. Waahhhhh!! But, having that many kiddos means we are always on the go! My husband and I joke because we are so busy, and that we rarely get a full conversation in together. The biggest joke is that we will talk when the girls are in bed. Ha Ha! We are totally fine with it because we are loving the life we have been blessed with! But, being busy and always on the go has it’s advantages and disadvantages. We have left the house MANY times without the essentials we need for the day. So, once this summer rolled around, I created our ‘go-bag’, and now whenever we leave the home, it’s either my husband or I asking who grabbed the go bag! During the colder months, we would just leave it in the car. But now, it’s so blasted hot that isn’t an option. Everything would melt. Or something like that…
This little bag has been a HUGE help. If you are crazy busy like we are, are just plain like to be prepared, I wanted to share some tips on what to pack in your ‘go bag’! This is what we use, I’m sure you will have things that your family uses too, that we don’t. So, let’s share, in 2-3 sentences or less. The challenge is on!
- Keep it in the same spot. And keep it close to the door of your house that you exit out of. Remember, out of site, out of mind? Not good when you need to remember something. We leave it right by our door to the garage. We haven’t missed it….much.
- Have your ‘go bag’ be a bag that can get messy and you don’t care. Going from ice cream outings, to the zoo, to the beach…it has to be a bag that can roll with the punches. I LURV my Vera Bradley Small Mesh Tote, but you can’t get it any more.
That’s what we use, but we have also used a Small Tote from Lands’ End that works. The Small Colorblock Tote from Vera Bradley could work too. But hurry and buy that if you want it. It’s on clearance which means it’s probably being phased out.
- Speaking of the beach, I actually have JOHNSON’S® baby pure cornstarch powder with calming lavender & chamomile in our bag too. Sounds crazy, I know! But…my husband and I hate a messy car full of sand! It’s our attempt to avoid having sand in our car. Did you know that you can use JOHNSON’S® baby powder to help – in addition to all the other uses it has. Funny addition, right? But oh so worth it. A little sprinkle gets the sand ‘mostly’ off!
- Since we are talking about the JOHNSON’S® Brand, I might as well add that their JOHNSON’S® NO MORE TANGLES® detangling spray is a great addition to a ‘go bag’ as well if your little ladies have LONG hair like mine do. After a day of fun in the sun at the beach, a friend’s pool or a splash pad, this is necessary. Especially if I forgot to put their hair in a ponytail! It can be used on wet and dry hair and and it still has the Gentle NO MORE TEARS® formula, like the other awesome products have from JOHNSON’S®.
- I always carry the baby’s water bottle. It’s hot and it’s something to get her mind of being bored if she is. The older girls typically are in charge of their own, but they bring theirs too and place it in their cup holders. I don’t have them leave the bottles in the car because I read something at one point about that being really bad. Who knows lol! Just one thing for them to remember.
- Snacks. Enough said. I do pick ones that aren’t very messy and that are pre-prepared. I like to package up my own snacks to have access to them.
- JOHNSON’S® hand & face wipes. I love these because they are for hands and faces. Refer back to snacks. The wipes wipe away over 95% of dirt and germs and are alcohol free.
- 2-3 diapers and baby wipes. She’s still in diapers, so that’s necessary.
- Bib. You never know when a pop up meal will happen as you are on the go!
- MAM pacifier. It’s the only brand my little one likes. So, I put one in a zipper portion of the bag. For emergencies, then I’ll always have one on hand!
Prepare ahead and you don’t get stuck in a pickle! You don’t have to run in to stores for odds and ends, because you have them all in your ‘go bag’!! What would you put in YOUR go bag???
No go ahead, and resume your beautiful, sunny, summer day…we are off to do the same!
July 23, 2015 at 12:46 pmLove you go bag list! It’s a definite must have in our family. I try to have one prepped at all times cause you never know where we are going to end up throughout the day!
July 24, 2015 at 10:42 amThank you – and so true!!
Tammy Woodall
July 22, 2015 at 2:28 pmI like your Go Bag – your right, its better than a diaper bag. Your Johnsons products you choose for your “Go Bag” is excellent. I didn’t realize that Johnsons now offers a powder with calming lavender & chamomile. I’m going to have to get some.
July 22, 2015 at 4:06 pmYes – so happy to hear I shared some new news with you! I hope you love it!
Danielle Royalegacy
July 22, 2015 at 11:44 amI can understand why you discarded a traditional diaper bag. With my third to my sixth, we started using a carry-on bag instead of a diaper bag. We needed a larger bag to carry all the extras for all the kids.
July 22, 2015 at 4:07 pmOh yes!!