8 In paper goods

writing resolutions : kicking off the new year outward focused


Tomorrow is January 1, and as I sit here reflecting on this past year, I can’t help but wonder the exact thing I’ve wondered every year at this same time…where does the time go? Logically, I know that each year, we get the same amount of days, weeks and months, but somehow each year that passes seems to fly by even quicker! Like many other people today, I’m reflecting on the things I accomplished this past year, and kicking myself a little bit for the areas I came up short in…

Regardless of where this past year landed on the “accomplishment” scale, one thing is for certain, there is hope for brighter tomorrows in a fresh start! Tomorrow we all get that fresh start! But, what does that look like? If you’re anything like me, you’ve probably had New Years that started out with great intentions for self improvement, that quickly went by the wayside as life got hectic. I have kept several gyms in business over the years with memberships that I used less than a handful of times…just ask my husband… In 2015, I actually did quite well! I set out to shed a few pounds, put some health goals in place, and stuck to them. During the first half of the year I lost 25 pounds, and got back down to my high school weight! I was quite proud of myself. Then, I got pregnant… Guess how much weight I have put back on? Twenty-five pounds! How about that? I’m pretty much starting out exactly where I did last year! Fantastic.

All of that said, sometimes, as much as we plan for our own brighter tomorrows, they just don’t work out as we wish. That’s why this year, as I sit here quite fat and sassy, awaiting the arrival of a baby in a few months, I know that my goals for 2016 have to look different than they have in previous years. After all, there’s no reason to set myself up for failure in areas I know I won’t live up to.

My solution? What if I make my New Year’s resolutions about other people? Sounds a bit backward, but I think it might work! There are so many people who could use a word of encouragement or to know that they’re thought of or appreciated. So, in 2016, I am resolving to be outward focused and intentional. Each week, I will be sending a hand written note to someone who happens to be on my heart. In a world full of technology, everyone loves a hand written note, right? I’m guessing there are a few people who I can encourage and brighten their day, and my heart is bound to be filled in the process. It’s a win, win! So, time to bust out the cute note cards, colored pens, and address book, and write some resolutions! Happy 2016 and cheers to brighter tomorrows!

Talk to me! What are your New Year’s resolutions? Do you usually stick to them, or fall off the band wagon?

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  • Danielle Royalegacy
    January 1, 2016 at 12:01 pm

    This is a great idea. I always appreciate hand written notes.

    • Sarah
      January 18, 2016 at 11:33 am

      Me, too! And sadly it feels like a lost tradition…

  • Robin
    December 31, 2015 at 4:07 pm

    I think that a hand written note to someone who just needs to know they are not forgotten is a wonderful idea and one that I hope I can accomplish sometimes over 2016. Thanks for sharing your ideas for another great year.

    • Sarah
      January 18, 2016 at 11:34 am

      Yes! Cheers to encouragement! Well all love and need that sometimes! Happy 2016 to you!

  • Amy Z.
    December 31, 2015 at 12:03 pm

    That’s such a great resolution – I’m sure they will all appreciate the handwritten notes! My New Year’s resolutions are typically about fitness and eating healthy, and usually last a month or so… hopefully longer in 2016!

    • Sarah
      January 18, 2016 at 11:35 am

      Oh yes! I totally know how that goes! I’m generally in the same boat, but this year had to do something different with baby on the way. Best to you for a fabulous 2016!

  • kara kudro
    December 31, 2015 at 11:10 am

    I love the idea of encouraging others with writing our cards for New Years,. what a great idea.

    • Sarah
      January 18, 2016 at 11:36 am

      Thank you! Happy 2016!