4 In pets

your dog will go crazy over the happy dog box :: review

disclaimer no giveaway
Our black lab Max is our fur baby. He has been with us through many phases and stages of life. He is our go everywhere, do everything, lovable, cuddly 90 pound baby who thinks he is a lap dog. He has followed us through several moves and been there when we’ve needed a pick-me-up. I can not begin to tell you how much this lovable lab means to me!

Unfortunately when our son came along, Max began to feel a little out of sorts. It wasn’t that we did not give him attention, but when you bring a child into your home, it’s hard to know how your fur babies will react. Max knew that he no longer had our undivided attention, and this made him sad (me too!).

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The Happy Dog Box was such a treat for my special fur baby! This box full of fun was shipped directly to our home and was jam-packed with fun toys and treats just for him! It was like Christmas for Max… he knew immediately that this box was no ordinary box and began to get really excited before I even opened it.

Happy Dog Box2 logoInside were bones, treats (made from real duck), dental sticks, grooming wipes and… wait for it… a stuffed alligator! You should have seen the way Max pranced around carrying that alligator in his mouth. A backyard full of squirrels to chase could not have compared to that stuffed toy! haha… Each box is designed specifically for your dog size (small, medium & large), so each box will contain different items and it changes monthly!

I told my husband we needed to make the Happy Dog Box a monthly subscription. Max is special to us and deserves to feel special as well. After seeing how HAPPY it made him, I couldn’t help but smile too! (dogs DO smile you know!!)

One thing that I love about Happy Dog Box is that they are not just about making YOUR dog happy… they want to make ALL dogs happy! A portion of all profits goes back to the doggies in the community via animal rescues, Paws4People, and other doggie shelters.

If you have a special pup, you will definitely want to order a Happy Dog Box and watch them “smile!”

Happy Dog Box :: prices start at $21/month

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  • Buy Dog Z Logo
    May 31, 2014 at 12:48 am

    […] your dog will go crazy over the happy dog box review source […]

  • Sadie B.
    May 28, 2014 at 6:44 pm

    Our dog would love this box. She enjoys all sorts of treats and toys.

  • Emily
    May 28, 2014 at 10:51 am

    My spoiled doggie would love this!

  • Holly E
    May 28, 2014 at 6:57 am

    This looks like such a fun dog subscription box! My puppy would love this!