![disclaimer no giveaway](https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8133/8700938044_4e5dd8f085_o.jpg)
Whether you want to make sure your fan is on before you head home from work or you just don’t want to get up to change the fan speed or dim the light on the fan, SIMPLEconnect does it for you with a click of our smartphone!
Ok, ok, more about that coming soon! Today I want to give you a heads up about a very fun contest coming from Hunter Fan called Your Fan Can Contest!
During this month long contest, one grand prize winner and one runner-up winner will be selected each week. As well as the grand prize winners’ photos being showcased on HGTV.com!
To enter, just be sure to check out Hunter’s Facebook page starting May 29. All the details on how to enter the contest will be there!
And be sure to check back here next week when I’ll be sharing with you our experience with SIMPLEconnect!